Thursday, 23 August 2012

Birthday in China!

My birthday was in China this year and while very fun was broken into
two separate things, first, the meal!
I wanted to meet up with the other teachers and friends and have a
meal and so Elaine helped to organise a meal with all of us together,
Chris, Elaine, Maggie, Nora, Tracey, and a few others all agreed to
come. Even Mike who had an important meal in the afternoon came to
take part which was very nice of him!
Since it was Chris's birthday recently and we all went for dinner we
decided to go for lunch this time! (breakfast for chris and I at 11am)

We all went together to Peninsula Cafe, a nice restaurant in the
centre of town and got a nice private room.
We ordered food together but before the food even arrived in came a
lovely cake and I was lucky enough to get happy birthday in both
Chinese and English! On the cake were some candles and as i was about
to blow them out the Chinese people told me something useful, in China
you get three wishes, but one you must tell everyone! I made my wishes
and blew out my candles and we had the cake first, and then the main
food arrived in the normal Chinese method of, it comes when it's
ready. Our friends had also gotten together and bought me a new strap
and memory card for my camera, very lovely.
We stayed for a couple of hours eating tasty food and talking in many
different languages before people started heading off home again. A
lovely birthday meal all round really!

Some pictures of the cake attached and of blowing out the candles and
making my wishes!

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