Friday, 5 April 2013

Shanghai Breakfast

For breakfast in Shanghai I had heard about a tiny XiaoLongBao shop near peoples square and so i went to check it out, the first day I found it but it was packed so I ate opposite, in a place doing dumplings, I ate some opposite an old Chinese man who I got talking with who was very funny, and very interested in foreigners! he even invited me back the next day if I had time to eat with him, his treat!
The next day however I got a table in the XiaoLongBao shop so gave it a miss, and ordered a few different types of XiaoLongBao, the place was so small you share tables with whoever else is there and I ended up with a mother and her son and a small child, they were interested in the foreigner too, especially speaking chinese with them which was fun, the same usual questions, where are you from etc etc. 
The xiaoLongbao when they came were AMAZING, so tasty, possibly the best I have had, really really good!

In the afternoon I moved to a new hotel, nearer nanshan lu, the big shopping street in Shanghai, a bit more expensive but very nice and the view from the top restaurant over to pudong was cool. 
The shopping street was packed however, so many people out and about! 

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