Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Working hard just working hard!

Got back from shenzhen ok in the end, A long day of traveling. The bus to the airport left at 8, then the flight, then the bus to hangzhou, then we tried to buy the train tickets but the agency met us at the station and threw us into a massive queue for a taxi to the south bus station to get the bus to lingxi, then in lingxi I watched as we drove in and worked out which way to walk to get home, luckily! It still means we had to travel from 8am until 10pm!

Spent sunday relaxing and getting over the long day before and then monday straight into the fire of teaching! We have our full schedule now and have the full 22 lessons each, more than 1000 students each that we see once a week! 
Had the third day of teaching today and it is very hard work, but when it goes well is rewarding too, the kids so far have all been really nice, I just hope I can think of enough lessons for them all! We finally got given a rough outline of their listening exam topics so we can try to cover them all in a bit of detail hopefully, but I will leave planning that until the weekend I think! The other teachers all seem shocked by the number of our lessons, which is kind of funny.
Also on Monday they had a welcome back lecture with 1000 students outside our window lined up in the square, then yesterday another when they all brought seats, and today they all started running around our building for some reason, crazy!

So far the strange questions have been:
How old am I? guesses from 18 to 45!!
Do you have a girlfriend, from every class!
'Do you have baby?' wtf!?!!?
Do you own more than one coat? (no i do not)
Can you use chopsticks. (yes I can) 

Today I also got surrounded by around 20 students in the corridor all asking for my MSN/qq/phone number/email address!  

Have loads of photos from HK but I think Chris threw some up as well, I will take a look and then post some! 

Hello to anyone still reading this! 

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