Monday, 14 February 2011

Travelling again!

Was quite worried the last few days as teaching has been looming now for a while. 
Today was the first day of term and we were expecting our schedule yesterday, well nothing came yesterday, this morning we were up bright and early but still no contact, I texted Eamon and heard nothing.

Checked my email to see that late last night Joanna from our agency had emailed to say we should eat any breakfast as we need to get a medical first thing this morning before heading off to Hongkong later today! Called Joanna straight away and she was going to talk with the school and we would probably end up getting the medical tomorrow instead of today now, a small blessing I guess. 

Got a call at around 12 saying Chris and I needed to teach our classes this afternoon, I will be teaching Grade one, and Chris Grade two, 22 classes across two schools, around 1000 students each! one class each per week. crazy! 
The Chinese teachers, even the busiest seem to teach around 16 lessons a week!

I was pretty nervous about my lesson but went in and blagged through it, talked about myself and tried to get them to talk too, the talked using the correct tense, about themselves and others, seems I need to find what I can teach them! 
Got out of the lesson and found our schedule, and our desks in a large communal office! and then discovered that a car would be taking us to the medical leaving at 6.40 tomorrow, and then we have to hang around in wenzhou until the results, then get a bus to hangzhou, then a flight to hong kong! Also the driver to the medical doesn't speak english and the medical forms will be in chinese only, the doctor probably won't speak any english and then we need to get the results too.... madness!

 The agency also mumbled something about us paying for the flights but bugger that, it says in our contract they have to and so they are, I can't afford it really anyway so sod them! 

Shouldn't really blog anymore as I need to grab some sleep before the crazy early start, also the last few days had a bit of stomach pain, not sure if it is the change in diet or what but it is not a huge issue yet, not gonna mention it in the medical! will see what I can do!

Updates from HK if i can!

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