I got up at 6 and checked out at half past but found out the guy I had asked to help me get down to the train station had changed his mind and already left on some other business, after some last minute calling I found out he had passed it to a taxi guy he knew, a bit more expensive but nevermind, acceptable.
The drive down was fine and then switched to another taxi before arriving at the bus station, I had an hours wait in the freezing unheated bus station before the bus arrived but then luckily a heated bus ride (the first one since I came north) back over to TaiYuan, a 6 hour drive.
When I arrived the driver recommended I get off at the motorway junction and find a car, I got off and tried to find a taxi to the place i had booked to stay but couldn't find anyone willing as they said they had to join the tollroad to get there and it was very expensive, blah blah blah. They all suggested I cross the road, the 10 lanes of fast traffic, to the other side and try there, I walked up to the toll booths and hopped across these to the other side and once there.. still couldn't find anything, they suggested that I walk down the motorway to the rest area 200m away and the other side of the barrier, but walking down a hard shoulder on a motorway with cars screaming along and sometimes using the hard shoulder as a passing lane I declined. Eventually I found a taxi willing to do it but for an expensive 30rmb, at this point I had no choice and he knew it so I just accepted it and made it back to collapse into a tired sleep.
The next morning I got up and got a taxi to the airport, got my flight without a problem and headed back to Hangzhou, I used the shuttle bus back which saved a taxi ride and took me straight to the station and from there I hopped on the train back to Ningbo, I got the late morning flight and got home at midnight, a long long day of travelling! but finally home safe and sound...
They are the most useful! iphone recambios! Simple to access, super fast and efficient! My display screen separated from my phone and so they could actually fix in under 5! Their grocer also possessed wonderful gizmos and instances! Fantastic locate, will certainly return soon!