There was supposed to be a photo at 8 am but at 7.50 we were told to go eat, and chris needed his breakfast so we went to eat as we were worried we would leave straight after the photo, and if they wanted us they would come to find us, but they never did, and the rest wandered in for breakfast after the photo and found us there already, nevermind! Plenty of photos!
After breakfast we had a tour guide lead us around the town but Chris and I mostly ignored her and wandered around taking pictures as we liked and looking where we wanted, it was a very relaxing walk around the town and some lovely pictures.
At one point I sat on a bridge to take a photo and a Chinese woman sat down with me and asked me to take a photo together, Chris decided to take a picture of me with her too! haha! (attached, me and the girl with the purple scarf, and I think her mother too!)
I saw a cat sleeping in a shop entrance and managed to grab a nice picture, and a few more around town, including one of Chris and another teacher playing dress up in some hats they found in the street!
I also saw a cormorant fisherman rowing his boat through the town, he then stopped, fished a little, and then pulled out his bottle of coke for a swig, so Chinese! The old and the new!
Near the end of the walk we found a statue of an anime character and so I stopped for a silly picture, but also took some nice day time pictures around the town. At the end of the tour we went on the most pointless 80m boat ride over a small lake that, by the time we got on and off, would have been quicker to just walk the path around each side! Nevermind!
After the walk and the amazing boat ride we eventually made it back to the bus and found a problem, Chris's bag wasn't there! Luckily the tour guide got it brought over and saved the day! lucky!
We drove back for an hour or so and stopped by the huge bridge going from Ningbo over the mouth of a huge bay towards Shanghai, the day before on the way over we had gone over it in heavy fog and could see nothing, but unfortunately today our viewpoint wasn't great and we couldn't see anything either. We were however at a fish farm and wetland area and so we went for lunch there which was O.K, the chicken soup was nice, and the duck tasty, the chicken stomach was actually O.K. but I'm not sure I would eat it by choice... not as nice as the pigs feet last weekend in Hangzhou...
At the meal Chris chose two cubes of some tofu they had left on the table and found it to be strongly flavoured with chinese 50 perfect proof rice wine, he however didn't give up and finished his double helping, when he remarked on its flavour the other people at the table were amazed, apparently very few chinese people dare to eat it due to its strong salty alcohol flavour and at most eat a tiny sliver as an after dinner digestive aid, chris had eaten two whole cubes!
After lunch we walked around the lake a little and watched people fish but nobody in the group wanted to try their hand at fishing, and so a vote was taken to head back to Ningbo. Luckily at exactly this time my camera battery gave out, perfect timing! So we all got on the bus together back home, they dropped us off at the end of our road very tired but happy with our trip, and looking forward to a sunday to relax a bit!!
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