Saturday, 1 September 2012

Water Tank exploits

So before we left our old house we noticed a huge water tank being
dropped outside, and then the next morning a huge crane arrived to
lift it into the roof. This was of course a Chinese crane driver and
so was of course, totally bodged.
At first he put a piece of wood into the opening to use to lift it,
but as he lifted it this of course snapped in half just as it started
to take the weight (luckily before it got off the ground), after this
he worked out this was not going to work well, so found a bigger piece
of wood...! This wood however was too big, and he had no saw to hand,
so he lifted up the front support of the crane and wedged the wood
under with another piece to make an angle, then sat the crane down
onto the wood, using the crane as a 5+ ton wood saw! Then he put this
piece inside and it began its sketchy journey up onto the roof with me
taking very careful pictures, half expecting it to fall back to earth
at any moment!

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