Monday, 4 July 2011

Passport trip!

We got a call the next morning to go and collect our passports and elaine kindly offered to come along as our translator.
We got the car in with Mr yue and went straight to the police station and with surprisingly little hassle collected all we needed and were given our passports back, finally we could travel again!
While we were in Wenzhou we decided to send the car on home and go and see a bit more of Wenzhou, we had been there 7 times and still seen basically nothing of the place!
We got a ferry over to a big island in the middle of the river which had some beautiful gardens and a small fair on it including a couple of roller coasters! We walked around the island and took some pictures before getting beaten by the heat and taking refuge back on the mainland. Elaine went to university in Wenzhou and so knew a great little place for lunch where we got fried dumplings with soup and tea jelly, very tasty despite sounding pretty odd.
After dinner we went to the shopping district and I finally bought some shorts considering it is 38degrees!
We went for coffee afterwards and I managed to actually pay for something, admittedly only by sneaking off and paying before anyone could stop me.
After shopping we got the bus back to lingxi and went for a steak in a new place not far from the school.

The next morning we decided to leave to go travelling the next morning so spent the day packing, buying a train ticket to ningbo and booking a flight from ningbo to somewhere west, an 80 pound flight saves us from a 30hour train out there and means we can work our way back to lingxi as fast or as slowly as we want!
Early start for the train tomorrow but we are finally travelling again!

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