As we finished our meal there was a knock on the door, I answered to see a male student at the door, he obviously didn't expect me and started stammering 'the otttttthhheeerrr teacherrrrrr' I told Chris he was there and eventually the student got the nerve to invite himself in, dragging a girl who was previously hiding behind the door in too!
I guess my group of 5 or so students hanging out may not have helped that.
My students told the new students (in chinese) that they were third years instead of first years, at first I thought this was a childish prank but actually it turns out that it was because there is a real superiority thing between the grades, and if they had said they were first years the second years would have taken over and put them in their place, but by saying they were third years they kept their status as more important.
Chris's student after a while asked us all to sit down saying he was going to recite a poem, he then proceeded to recite a really long poem, in chinese, with actions and full body movements, it was a bit surreal really, and there was no translation! ah well, another day in china!
This week I decided to play true or false, give them three statements and get them to find which one is false, then get them to create their own three statements, pretty fun! It is always good to say "I drove a Ferrari" and "Chris knows how to fly a plane", always good for a laugh!
Wednesday night I went to sleep as normal, woke up at 2am with a sore throat, and then woke up on Thursday having lost my voice! I then proceeded to teach my classes for the rest of the week with barely any voice! Although some of my students liked the new gravelly voice sound, haha.
Now its friday night and I still can barely speak, but i don't want to go to the doctors as last time Chris got given 5 different meds, and they really wiped him out, i dont want that, I will just try to rest my voice over the weekend.
Next week wednesday to friday the students have tests so we have in theory been released from lessons, but I suspect that the school will pull some sneaky trick to make us work, probably teaching on the weekend knowing them! if they do I will probably just do a film lesson, haha.
All around the school I see teachers and visitors smoking, but today I saw two teachers stood in the entrance to one of the classrooms full of students sharing a quiet smoke, so crazy! such a different attitude to the U.K.!
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