Monday, 14 March 2011

Cool weekend!

Saturday was a cool day, first a student invited me for a walk in the sun and we ended up walking most of the way across town with his female friend (read girlfriend), seeing all the kites and lots of people said Hi to us as we walked around! Pretty cool.
I got back around 4 and after a while Bella and Daphne came over to cook for Chris and I, which ended up with Chris cooking them scrambled eggs, them cooking us fried rice and friend potatoes, which was cool! Bella is not a great cook but very enthusiastic, and it was very sweet of them. They ended up staying here until gone 11 and leaving back for their dormitory way after lights out, but since it was a Saturday it was ok, although they did have a test the next morning and ended up a bit behind on homework!
Hoping I can play some sport with them at some point, that would be cool! 

Sunday Chris and I walked into town and walked down fashion street, we also found where the other english teachers school is in the town center, then Chris's student came over for extra english help and ended up staying around and chatting and watching a film, something his parents wont let him do at home! They just pile on more work!

Monday went ok, my lesson doesn't quite work as getting them to speak is a real pain, but nevermind. I will press on and see if it develops into something better. 
Monday evening was tutoring time with the 6/7/8year olds, they all turned up upstairs and luckily one of the mothers (an english teacher) stayed in the class and translated for us, and helped us to handle the class.
That was tough going! We only made it through the first half of the alphabet, 1-15 and a few shapes in the class but the kids really are so sweet! Chris was very smitten with their cuteness. 
I ended up not talking too much and leaving it to chris in full on teacher mode to drill the alphabet into them.

Tired now! and the other tutoring class tomorrow...! bed i think!

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