Sunday, 16 January 2011

more travelling to come!

Texted Eamon when I woke up about going for some lunch and he agreed so we went over the road for tasty dumplings, dumplings for three and change from £2, nice!
Afterwards we went to buy some train tickets but since we only have one bike one of us would have to ride with Eamon by electric bike, since Chris is not a very keen cyclist I agreed to be the one on the bike. As it turned out this was a wise decision as Eamon pulled out in front of lorries and went the wrong way up the roads in true local style while I kept to the correct side and watched the roads like a hawk, often hanging back to avoid what I though was Chris's fate!

We made it in the end and bought some tickets for tomorrow morning to Hangzhou to re group and see if there is anywhere else we fancied, and if our bank balance would allow more travelling!

Went shopping after that for some food and supplies before cooking our first meal in our flat. Rice in a rice cooker with xuialongbaio in the steamer section above, the rice came out very glutinous but very tasty with a little soy sauce, and the dumplings were ok too, very filling and super cheap. 5kg of rice is £4 or so.

Off traveling again tomorrow, as far as the budget allows I guess... we will see. I have a week or two before I need to head back to here so might as well see as much as I can!

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