Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Always have a backup lesson!

Teaching out here is tricky, you need 4 lessons on you at any one time, Yesterday I walked into class with my powerpoint presentation on a USB ready to go only to find the computer had been virused to hell and was out of action, time to wing it using the blackboard! Another problem is the hot weather, its too hot for the projectors up on the ceiling so they overheat and auto shut off, causing more problems! 
Different classes also take to the subject in different ways, students straight out of chemistry are awful, their heads still full of the previous lesson but precede or follow an english class and it goes much better!

The same class can reject a cool lesson and force you to invent on the fly, not always an easy thing to do, but the worst lessons are when you restort to the text book, bleh! 

Teaching in China is damn difficult!

Monday, 30 May 2011

China Time

Last weekend Chris went to the model U.N. in the school for a whole day and gave a speech on behalf of england, but since I don't actually know anything about what went on then I will let him blog that! 

I had a chinese lesson with Elaine 3 hours on saturday morning, we went for breakfast and chatted about chinese culture and learnt some chinese but when she left for lunch she mentioned we should meet the next day so we did and spent another 5 hours together learning more chinese, its great having a friend who can teach me chinese and someone I get on with well. But she is older than me, so scary that I'm getting on so well with someone who is nearly 30, makes me feel so old! 

I'm trying to plan a trip to Guangzhou for the summer but trying to find a way to avoid the 22 hours train, but it looks like I may have to just suck it up and live with it, 22 hours in, 22 hours out, ouch! Flying is over $300 each way!

My sister will arrive in china this thursday so that should be cool, and next week I only have lessons in the new school so only 4 lessons so I should be able to show her around a bit which will be cool! 

We went out on Saturday night, had a nice meal and played some pool (chris is better than me but I am learning!) before scoping out a few nice looking bars, Lingxi may have more of a night life than I thought!

Taught the young children tonight which was cool but just hard work and the older kids tomorrow evening, one more lesson to dream up before the holiday, then 3 more before I finish the term, but the creativity has gone, I need a holiday to recharge my batteries! 

The speakers are playing "beat the retreat" on the horns and so that means its 10 o'clock here and time to head towards bed. 
Good night!

Monday, 23 May 2011


So Pardon, one of my students name is Pardon, asked me to come on Sunday for a Cosplay day. I accepted without actually knowing what copsplay is!
It turns out that cosplay is when they dress up as Japanese Anime characters and perform a play, blue hair and all!

I went along and watched and took some cool pictures, one of the students was drawing anime comics, and is amazing at it! So beautiful! 
The play was short but sweet, just a half hour, and all my students were nearly unrecognisable! 

I have a few pictures too, see attached

The group, Me and a crazy girl in a pretty dress, and me and pardon in blue.

Drama Show 3

Dance Show 2

Dance Show pictures

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Chris's new teacher

Wednesday evening all of grade one had a big basketball game with all the classes competing so I went down and mingled with my students to watch that whilst carefully avoiding spending too long supporting any one team and chatting to any students that wanted to say hi, quite a few in the end! It was nice to see the students who are more athletic and no so inclined towards english doing what they love, and maybe they will have seen that I came to watch and it may help in class.
This week I have been teaching a kind of music lesson, it is pretty damn difficult though, I just can't quite get it to flow properly but I'm too tired to really work out why, a bad combination. I have been  ending with showing the kids a video of Michael Jacksons 'beat it' with a video made from clips of the Chinese party spliced over it. (link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSPtz7wVDHI )
I'm not really sure if it falls without my boundries as a teacher but its cool and funny, I just hope they don't tell anyone where they got it from! I also show them the cadburys gorilla drumming advert, and the Ok-Go music video on running machines, fun for me anyway!
Thursday evening Mr Gao, a man we met whilst recording the listening tape a few weeks ago, arranged to come and have an english/chinese lesson that Chris signed us both up for. Lessons are much better 1-1 though and so I made my excuses and left Chris to it, hiding in my office in school and talking to Jenny and practising my Chinese!
Its late now, hope to blog more this weekend if it is a little less crazy than last weekend!

After Dinner show

At 6 I took my camera and Chris and I walked over the the art/music block where the performance was being held, once there I was told by my students on the door that the show had been pushed back to 7 because of a problem with the audio equipment, that's the problem with China, they have great equipment but no knowledge of how to use it and the shows are always blighted by feedback, microphone problems and general bodging.
Chris was hungry so we got some XiaoLongBao and a tasty milkshake type thing from outside the school (second XiaoLongBao in one day!!) and got back in time to watch them set up.
We were given seats at the front of the show as we had donated our computers to the editing and as teachers and special guests, the students really love it when I visit them to see what they are doing out of school!
Before the show the students dragged me into the backstage area where all the cast were getting practising and doing their makeup to talk to them and take some pictures, all my students wanted to show me how different they looked in their costumes, some tradional some contempory and I took some cool pictures.
The show kicked off late and was based on 'Dreams in the Red Mansion' one of the famous 4 chinese books including Journey to the West etc which all seem to lose alot in translation, not that there was any english in the show!
There was dancing and singing and they were great, (and mostly my students) before a break and a small game. The hostess had small scrolls describing a character from the book and people had to raise their hand and guess their name to win the scrolls. Dashein guessed the first and gave the scroll to us as a gift to remember the show but a few questions in they nudged Chris into volunteering an answer (that they whispered into his ear) and so with much laughter Chris won himself his own scroll and Dashien gave me the other so we had one each.
There was more dancing and a small talking piece before another game and before I knew what was going on I had been volunteered to go first. My student York from class one stood up with me and explained that he would act out something and I would guess what it was! A little confused I got on stage to appluase and he looked at his piece of paper, playing up to the crowd I stood my ground and motioned for him to get on with it to much amusement.
He acted his small scene which involved walking forwards, seeing something and running away, I was confused for a minute and had no idea what they expected (with no translation of really what was going on) so just said a phrase I learnt yesterday, 'he is a crazy person' ta zhe ge feng zi. The audiance disolved into a laughter, it turns out the answer was a man seeing a butterfly and running away scared, I guess a reference to the book but god knows. They decided however that my answer was good enough and one of my students gave me her fan as a prize, bless her.
We watched the rest of the show and stayed afterwards to mingle with the cast and congratulate all my students, this turned into more pictures and then a group photo sort of formed around us and before I knew what was happening I was in the middle of a cast group photo! but it is a good photo!
After the show Susan asked if she could use our shower as they only have hot water every other day, and she was covered in blue paint! I of course agreed.
She came over with her friend echo and we chatted and laughed until late, so late that they could not get home and so asked if they could stay, not wanting them to get in trouble I agreed and whilst Chris had gone to bed already I quietly built them a bed each in the lounge out of a few sofa pieces and went to bed at around half one.
I did get up at 6am just to make sure they woke up (they didn't) and got to lessons on time without being in trouble, no wonder some of the students have started calling me shooshoo, (uncle) or even older brother! haha.
Looking the next day at the pictures, while ok, came out very noisy again, my camera really seems to suffer in low lighting, but I'm really getting my use out of it, I ended up as semi official photographer for the event! A shame the pictures didn't come out so great really.... nevermind, I will upload pictures tomorrow when I can find the time!

A Chinese wedding...

I woke up at 8.30 so i could make sure the students were ok in the morning and left Chris asleep, they were up at 7 and offered to take me for breakfast so I went with them to our little local place for some tasty XiaoLongBao, my favorite!
went back at 9.30 to make sure Chris was ready for 10.30 to mean Elaine, my Chinese teacher, who would take us to the wedding and look after us!


Made it to my office at 10.30 and met Elaine and she drove us the 10 minute walk along with 2 other English teachers to the big international hotel in Lingxi where the wedding was to be held.

Walking in a member of staff from the hotel rushed up to us and asked if we needed any help and seemed surprised when we said we were there for the wedding.


As we were herded left into a massive room past endless pictures of the couple pasted over various scenic and romantic backdrops we saw all the guests giving small red envelopes to a small team of people staffing a small desk, I can't fully explain what was going on but it was something along the lines of presents for the couple. People put money into the envelope but each envelope is recorded along with who gave how much and in return big boxes of 10 packs of cigarettes are given, depending on how much you had given. People then took these cigarettes and gave the packs out individually to people they knew, friends etc, we got given some by a random stranger just because we were white!
Elaine also explained that the money is almost considered a loan as the couple will have to repay the money, partly through the cigarettes, partly through favours (unless already owed a favour obviously) or through paying back at their wedding, or their children's! The money is intended to help pay for the wedding and such, but who knows!


The wedding is based on a Buddhist wedding and starts early in the morning, the groom will at one point arrive at the brides house but will find all the doors closed and guarded by members of the bride's family and friends who will then set the groom challenges he must complete to open the doors and search the house for his wife! The challenges may be questions about her, or their past, or physical challenges like doing so many press-ups or even giving them money! Crazy!

After this is completed then they arrive at their version of a reception, and this is where we came in!


The room for the reception was huge with maybe 50 tables and a central aisle down to a stage at the end of the room and we sat down in the corner on a large table but soon got moved to a better seat next to the aisle so we could see better what was going on, and the couple would walk right past our table, very kind of them!

We were sat with a few children, mike and a load of girls, two of which were under 30! Haha.

We were at the end near a small gazebo type tent erected over the isle nearest the door. At the other end of the aisle was a big stage with speakers and covered in flowers and a huge projector showing a slideshow of romantic pictures of the couple and short videos of them along with various wedding related images.


We were told that the wedding was actually even bigger and there was a whole separate room for friends who would actually miss the ceremony here and we were in the privileged few who got to sit in and see it live, well, the privileged couple of hundred anyway!

Elaine also explained that the grooms father was the head of the Cangnan county branch of the post office, a high up government position, and so was very, very wealthy, and it was him who was footing the bill for this.


The ceremony began with a man on stage introducing the proceedings and Elaine quietly explained that he was a Wenzhou TV celebrity from the state television network who had agreed to host the wedding, for an unnamed fee. After a few minutes of introduction the groom walked down to the small gazebo near our table, soon after the bride joined him wearing a beautiful white dress, and she was only 26!

With various bowing and hugging the bride and groom were 'introduced' to each other's parents and there was a small ceremony joining them in marriage.

The couple then walked down the aisle to the stage with fireworks exploding each side and being handed flowers and presents while the western bridal chorus played on the stereo.


The couple gave some speeches and linked arms a drank from cups at the same time, very traditional, and also had a very western wedding cake which they ceremonially cut, before feeding each other some cake. This interesting mix of east and west went on for another 5 – 10 minutes bringing the total to around 20 minutes or so before they walked back down the aisle and out into the hotel, the ceremony over and the meal could begin.

Since Linxi is near the sea the meal had a lot of seafood, I tried everything I was given and some was actually very good but the start was prawns in their shell (which I had no idea how to remove, especially with chopsticks) and crab again, in its shell. Then followed an embarrassing lesson on how to feed myself which resulted in me giving up and eating things already cut into edible sizes!

The lobster was very tasty, as was the rare fish we were served. I also tried some meatballs wrapped in a moss/algae/seaweed type thing which grows only in Outer Mongolia and so was apparently exceptionally rare and expensive. I must admit that I did try the sharks fin soup and unfortunately it was very tasty, possibly my favourite thing I ate, Chris however was not a fan, I'm not sure if that was from his conscience or the taste though…

Each table was given two bottles of wine but on our table everyone was either too young or driving and so responsibility for that fell down to me and Chris to sample them, an expensive French red wine chosen especially which was very tasty but Chris and I were careful to show a good image of foreigners and not let the country down any more than we already are!

After the meal I got chatting with the girls on our table who turned out to be quite good at English and were amused by my awful attempts at Chinese conversation although Elaine was jokingly put out by me talking to other people and not her!

After the compressed ceremony and the meal people started to drift off home and so we did too, we were dropped back at the school at 3.30 and had no plans until 6 when the students from the day before had invited us to see their show, so I decided to get a quick nap.



Another weekend in paradise

Friday evening Susan, a student from class 9, Peter (class 16) and Echo (9 i think) and some of her friends along with one of Chris's students came over to our house to use our computers to do some editing for a show on sunday. We waited around for a while but then left them in the flat and went out for some dinner at Go Tea Go, our usual restaurant.
At Go Tea GO we noticed a change, the usual chinese only menu with some awful random chinglish mixed in had been removed and a new menu with real english in has replaced it. Now it is a little boring as instead of choosing random pictures that look tasty we actually know what we are ordering, and now its lost some of its appeal!
After our meal we were both really tired and after paying the bill were about to get up to leave when a random black guy walked up to the table and started talking english.
Turns out he was a Somoan born guy with an American passport that had used that to come to China more than 10 years ago.
He had only arrived in Lingxi that night to work in a private school teaching young children called ...something castle...

Both tired and with students waiting we chatted for a while (he speaks chinese) and he explained he was there on a welcome meal from his company and soon a member of their staff joined us, someone who didn't speak any english. Soon they were inviting us to see their school which was nearby and in my case half asleep we ended up going. We had a wistle stop tour of their little school and Kim, our new friend, started talking about how he wanted to start filming short plays for CCTV, and if he needs any white faces then we will give him a hand!
After finishing up we walked back to a mercifully empty flat and got some needed rest!
A note left on our table said that the students would arrive at 11.40 the next day for more editing and to cook us a meal to say thank you! Very nice of them!
Woke up on Saturday at 9 and rushed off to my chinese lesson, had a good 3 hours of chinese and learnt some more useful things including how to say, 'that man is crazy' always useful! Ta zhe ge feng zi!
I came back to the house to find that Chris had slept through and they had knocked and then some had left. When I got back they had come back again and brought the needed food and they had begun to cook us a lovely lunch.
They cooked many different things and we had a tasty lunch together with around 4 or so students and Chris and I. We spent a few hours messing around in the flat with the students while they edited music and got ready for the show the next day and taking stupid pictures, just relaxing really which was cool. Then Louise and Amy turned up, I had forgotten I had agreed to play pool with them and teach louise how to play pool, or try to! They messed around with us for a bit before we all walked out into lingxi to play pool as a group.
Dashien, Chris's student, and the head of the drama society knew a cool place so walked us into the town centre, near the big supermarket, but unfortunetly his favorite place was closed for a refurb, as most of china seems to be every other week. Luckily just next door was a new pool hall that he had never been to, so we went there.
We got a table and started a doubles game, while they were playing I took louise and amy off to the shop and bought some mosquito repellant and coffee tokeep me going.
After half an hour we got back and they were still playing their first game so louise and I took another table next to theirs for £2.50 an hour, expensive by chinese standards!
I helped louise play for an hour or so and even got the ever negative Amy to join in a bit, with a lot of help.
After pool we went to a hotpot restaurant again but this time Chris and I paid, we ate lots of crazy things but I really like the hotpot style, very cool, although i only really ate the spicy half of the hotpot.
We walked the back way back to school (that some of the students didn't know!) and split off from our students. Back in the room two of the students (Dashien and Susan) who had skipped the meal to do some editing were still there and asked if they could edit until late, the problem being that after 11pm they could not get back to their rooms so could they please stay over at ours!
Since it was saturday night it was no problem and we chatted and messed around until late and then sorted them out an airbed and sleeping bags for the night before leaving them to it!
Big day tomorrow, I got a call today asking if I wanted to go another English teachers wedding!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

So much to do so little time!

Had a really busy weekend kicking off a crazy busy week and have not had time to update you all. Hope I get a chance to tomorrow! Sorry!

Friday, 13 May 2011

What's this?

Nathan just bought the weirdest thing the other day... its a tennis racket for swatting flies & mosquitoes ... wasn't quite sure what it did or how it did it, so I was messing around with it and realised you had to turn it on??? What the... oh it has a light ... as I then bounced the strings off my knee ... and proceeded to electrocute my leg, in a huge shower of blue sparks and a yelp of pain as it turned my leg numb for half an hour! and then I had pins and needles for an hour after that!  Lesson learned, don't mess around with Chinese technology!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Wai Mai and the Umbrella Paradox

I taught class 2 today and for the last few weeks they have been saying wai mai a lot, they finally explained that it means a person who delivers takeaway food but they think it sounds very similar to wai jiao which means foreign teacher. So before my class I went to a local takeaway and picked up a couple of hot dogs to take away and at the end of my lesson walked up to the two who invented it, handed them each a hot dog and asked for a tip before walking out. Gales of laughter accompanying my exit. Teaching in China is exactly like putting on a pantomime.
Fun though.
I have also noticed that China revolves around passing around umbrellas, we own 1 but currently have 4, not including the one we bought. Every afternoon it will rain and at other random times it rains with little notice and so all the students keep an umbrella or two around in the classrooms just in case.
If we are walking back from a class and it is raining often a student will hand us an umbrella to use and then walk off, sometimes from a different year or a student whose class we cannot even remember!
Occasionally we will be walking along and a student will give us their umbrella before sprinting off in the rain without one themselves! much to our embaressment. Chris even had a teacher almost requisition an umbrella from an innocent student for him just because he was a teacher, certainly different from the attitude to teachers in the U.K!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The return

The road to the beach, a picture of the school in the sun and some lovely sunburn!

Beach 3

more beach photos

Beach Trip

Pictures of the show

Frank my student singing, the Michael Jackson Group, my students dancing and a view from the back at the amazing setup!

Weather warning!

After 4 solid days of rain last week this week has been incredibly hot, 30+ degrees and high humidity has left my sweating at the front of the class. There are four fans in the class rooms but all are over the students, our raised position means we are that much higher on the small podium, and next to the computer AND the projector. Of course if you are using the projector and computer then the students close the doors and windows so they can see the screen but with 50 bodies in the room it just makes it worse!
Today was over 30degrees and although there are three air conditioners in the classroom they are only switched on if it gets REALLY hot.
One of my students told me at lunch that they had rewired their AC to be functional even if the master switch was not on by wiring it into a different socket, clever buggers!
This afternoon mid class I heard a short beep from behind me and as I turned the class erupted into celebrations, the principal had decided to turn them on for a few hours, I had never seen a class so happy! The rest of the day was just about bearable!
Some students however are crazy and are STILL wearing their jumpers!
As i finished up my class I heard the crash of lightening that sounded the arrival of the common afternoon summer storms out here but luckily I met Chris who had been given an umbrella by a student, we made it back and after an hour the storm got pretty intense. This is when the power went out. Apparentely summer blackouts are very common and most places have huge generators that they can turn on if they need to, there is even a generator repair shop down the road and we often see huge generators the size of cars wizzing up and down the road being collected and delivered by fork lift.
Today however the generator was left off and so for an hour we had to sit and relax and watch the rain and listen to the lightening overhead, and I mean directly overhead. From our flat you can hear the screams of the students in the school with every lightening strike, but I think its awesome!

Mosquitoes everywhere now and its only going to get worse, going to ask about getting a net for my bed, otherwise we will have to leave the windows closed in the evening and use the AC, a less than idea solution, I can't even seem to find any repellant out here, but I suspect that is just the language problem!
Writing this in the comfy chair near my wide open windows in the thunder storm, (the rain here is nearly always vertical so very little gets in), and out my window listening to the rain and watching the lightening, very relaxing after a hard day. If only we didn't have to go out to get some food for tonight!

Pictures of the last three posts to come too....

To the beach!

The next morning we were meeting some of my students at 7 so even on Sunday morning we had to be up at 6.30! Susan my student came to meet us at our house and dragged us out of the door and out to the front of school where the bus was waiting.

We and 50 students piled onto the coach and the teachers got into a car and we agreed to meet them at the beach. After an hour or so drive we arrived at the beach and it was nice and warm.

We unloaded the bus and went down onto the beach and whilst I started taking some pictures and doing a little rock climbing on some big boulders on the beach Chris started playing some volleyball with the students.

After a while they drifted off to paddle in the sea and mess around on the beach. The beach was quiet so early in the morning but still a little touristy, a section had 8 or so dune buggies to rent for £10 a half hour as well as peddles, water bikes, an inflatable ball to walk on water a few other things as well as a couple of food stalls and umbrella rental women.

I walked down to the sea to paddle and took my camera in for a walk in the sea and to try and take some wave action photos, another student really liked photography so we compared cameras and notes and both tried to take the best action shots!

After a bit I needed some suntan cream and started back up the beach, I met Chris after his volleyball and we both said that it was getting crazy hot, and since the last few days had been rain it was a surprise! We looked at our watch and realised it was only half past 9 in the morning and it was already at least 28 with very high humidity.

As the day went on and we messed around on the beach I met two more of my classes also on the beach and so took some cool photos with them! Some came out really cool and as it approached 11 the students were getting hungry and we decided to start to set up camp, the beach was getting a bit busier but as we walked away from the shops to have our bbq the people just dropped off, they all sat together near the shops and restaurant section and the swimming area and left the rest of the beach (bar that small 100m section) basically empty!

We setup our bbqs and all started trying to light them, the chinese way involves a lot of meths and a lighter with as little coal as possible but chris used his firelighting skills to get ours up and away as fast possible and we were the first to get cooking.

We bbqed chicken with various sauces and then some other foods including some seafood for the others as well as some baked sweet potatoes. The teachers then invited us to go for a meal with them in a local restaurant but we were full from the bbq so declied (possibly a slightly rude thing to do) and decided to stay with the students and play on the beach.
Chris used his Poncho to make a small sunshade with some driftwood and other beach rubbish which the students found funny until it was ready, then 6 of them crammed into into it with us using umbrellas for the sides.

After lunch (and in the head of the day) we just relaxed on the beach chatting with students and playing on the beach, I walked down the beach to the sea again and paddled some more and chris tried to get a little nap.

I put on factor 30 suncream 5 times and stayed in our makeshift shade as much as I could but still felt a little red by the end of the afternoon.

We left the beach around 3 and went back to the school for a much needed shower and a rest before teaching again on the Monday.

Got some great pictures and had a great time on my first local beach trip, I would like to go back and try out those dune buggies next time, but I will learn my lesson and get in early because at midday it is just too hot!

 The next morning the tops of my feet and the backs of my legs were sunburnt but not too bad, and my shoulders were a little tender but luckily my face escaped unscathed (unlike chris!).

Taking in a show

This week was pretty tough and what with becoming recording artists and all we didn't get that much time off. We did manage to spend some time getting hold of some english language books that we gave as presents, Lust for Life for one of my students, A *shudder* justin beiber book for Cady, and the lastest Harry Potter for Rabbit, Wendy (now know as crazy) and Lyn, or possibly lin, or ling, but who has now asked to change her name to Y4! and shes not the crazy one!

Saturday morning I got up and went to my Chinese lesson early and spent 3 hours or so with Elaine trying to get some more chinese in and talking about England and life, she is great and we have fun in the lessons so it doesn't matter if half the time was us chatting in English!

Chris said in passing that a woman that works for the school was quite pretty so I am learning how to flirt with her on his behalf, how to say my friend thinks you are cute in chinese, hahaha.

After my lesson I met up with Chris and we went to get some food in the place over the road, unfortunately it was half past 12 by the time we arrived and so there was not much left, and some of what was tasted a bit dodgy. Learning no lessons at all from Chris's sickness last weekend we ate it anyway and felt a bit funny for a few hours afterwards, no lasting effects though this time, thank god!

Oceane, one of my students, texted me to ask if i wanted to see a show on Saturday evening, I accepted without really asking what it is and made plans to meet up later.

After eating we met Rabbit Crazy and Y4 outside the school and chatted for half an hour or so, it came up that we had a present for them and also that Rabbit was going to her drawing class in town. I managed to get us an invitation to see the studio she takes classes in for later that afternoon. I grabbed a quick nap and then Crazy and Y4 came to pick us up from our house. We gave them the Harry Potter book to much screaming and happiness which was cool.
We got a taxi together into town and went down a backstreet to a small art studio, opposite a massive internet cafe full of expensive computers with Chinese students playing online games, a massive market over here at the moment!

In the studio we saw Rabbit's paintings, of an Apple and a great picture of a man's face and then saw some of the other artists work, we also got our photo taken by the teacher, a photo of him with some foreigners will probably be up with all the others later on! Took a few pictures of their artwork in the studio too.

Crazy and Y4 then went to put their washing on and left us with rabbit, we walked around town a bit and looked in a few small shops while waiting for them, when they had finished it was time for us to go back to the school to meet Oceane to go to see a show at a nearby school to ours.

When we mentioned that we were going to see this show the the students we were with suddenly decided they wanted to go too and so we grabbed a taxi to the school, but not our school, directly to the school the show was in! I made some quick calls and managed to arrange to meet my students outside the other school. It turns out it was the school that the students who came to the show in our school last week came from, this school also doesn't have any foreign teachers!

As I was making my calls the girls decided to play a joke on me and ran off with Chris, I walked after them for a bit before meeting some other students and giving up the chase, they went for a meal and I waited talking with my students. After a while Oceane arrived with her friend tequila and I went in with them, Chris and the other students followed in afterwards and we all met inside.

It turns out that this school is a private school with a much higher fee (ours is £500 a term, a relative bargain) and this was very apparent in their stage and their setup, many more chairs and amazing big stage with big light rigs on three sides and a thousand or so chairs in front, most of these chairs were full of students but since we were only hoping to slip in unnoticed to this mother's day celebration and stand in secret at the back. Unfortunately a few students noticed us and so started taking subtle pictures on their phones, before long a student asked for a photo with me (Chris cleverly kept his head down) and then more students joined in with group photos and much laughing and before I knew what was happening I was surrounded by 30 or so students asking me questions, asking for my phone number, where I'm from etc etc etc. It was pretty funny though.

After a while Oceane rushed into the crowd and grabbed me and as I made my excuses to leave the told me that the leader of the school had found out that we were here and hiding at the back and had found us some seats. As Oceane took us more and more forward until we eventually arrived right at the front, apparently as soon as he found out about us he kicked 5 people out of their seats for us and our 'interpreters' (students). There was us and then right in front a table, and then the front of the stage, and behind us more than 1500 students, madness!

We watched the performances and they were very good, helped by the much more professional sound/lighting setup and the amazing wooden schooner backdrop. Frank, one of my students, was singing a song again and we watched that and were very impressed, and then some of my other students formed a girl group and all danced together doing some very exotic dance moves. There was also a good rendition of a Michael Jackson song and a kung fu dance acrobatics show in military fatigues, with students dancing to Living on a Prayer, the techno dance remix! Crazy!

In between every 5 or so acts there was a ceremony were 50 or so students lined up and were given an award and an envelope with some money in for the students, if students do bad they get fined, if they do well they are rewarded, but it is strange to see it all done in actual money, and so openly in front of the other students. As I was sat in the very front during these 5 minute presentations I amused myself by making eye contact with one or more students receiving an award just when they noticed foreigners and then trying to keep their attention and have some fun by making them laugh. I managed to make a few smile and one chuckle but then I found a short cute girl with a bob haircut and managed to make her continually laugh through the presentation, result!

As the evening drew into the night and with an early start the next morning we made our excuses around 11, but not before Chris got some good pictures!  

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Easy Money...kind of.

So the offer we had was that another school in Lingxi was making a text book, and for this textbook they had a listening section, but they heard that we had foreign teachers in our school and so decided to ask one of the teachers in our school if we would be interested, we muttered some vaguely positive things and they ended up picking us up after class today. 
The two English teachers that came to collect us were Margaret and Gau, Margaret was a young woman of around 28, Chris took an immediate liking to her but on further investigation found she was married, and also way too short for him, Gau was a man of around 40, very knowledgeable and very fond of deep and meaningful conversations, I preferred just having a laugh with Margaret.
They took us across town in a fancy new car, driven the whole way at 25kph while surrounded by traffic doing twice that, and of course with no seatbelts in the cars, it was the slowest  I have ever been driven in China! but a refreshing reminder of what English driving is like I guess. 
We arrived outside a nondescript house in downtown district and margaret let herself and us in to find a car parked behind the front door, the front door doubles as a roller door and the car just fit inside the house width with enough room to open the door just enough to get in without using the sun roof!
Most town houses seem to be very tall and very thing in design.
We changed into some slippers left at the bottom of the stairs (chinese houses seem to be divided that way) and then went up, and up and up and up, to the 5 floor, (out of 6 or 7). It turned out that this gorgeous house with a central spiral staircase, many floors and big well decorated rooms belonged to a music teacher in the school, and since only two people lived there the 5th floor held a small recording studio with muffled walls and a pretty serious recording setup, including a monitoring room, a decent mic, and headphones so he could talk to us while we recorded.
They wanted us to record the spoken parts of the listening test with them for the text book they had written! After making a few corrections Chris went first and I left he and Margaret in the recording room and went next door to relax and speak with Gau. After an hour or so they had reached halfway and so we decided to break for dinner.

We walked down the street and they selected a local restaurant famous for...seafood! I didn't make a scene however and decided to just grin and bear it, and try everything once! 
The waitresses were very interested in the wagalans coming into their shop (foreigners) and made excuses to come into our private room and smile at us, unfortunately my chinese isn't yet good enough to talk back in chinese, but I hope it will be.
Dinner started out with some fruit, thank god, then moved onto prawns (too difficult to shell with chopsticks), and then sea snails (eaten with a toothpick) but these were very salty, sandy and crunchy, not nice. next came some crab which was ok i guess, some beef (score!) and a fish that was actually ok, not salty of fishy really, but still stupid small bones! 
They ordered way too many dishes for us, so we didn't manage to get anywhere near finishing but had a nice chat with the two teachers.
There was one very amusing part of the meal when we were discussing some ancient chinese stories, the money king, the romance of the three countries, and two more. In China there is also a fifth book, very controversial because it is written about a courtesan in the house of an emperor and goes into quite sordid detail as to her duties and daily life. Chris had read about this fifth book but not really what it was about and so decided to ask over dinner, much the same as attempting to discuss the finer points of the Karma Sutra over a polite dinner in an Indian Restaurant, with virtual strangers! Margaret dissolved into laughter as soon as she understood what Chris was talking about, and Gau just looked puzzled and a little embarrassed about it, while i was just sniggering. Chris then tried to carry on once he realised what he had brought up and just dug his hole deeper and deeper, much to my amusement! 

They recovered from Chris's anecdotes after a while and after a while they paid the bill and we walked back up the road to the music teachers house.

In the house it was my turn to be recorded so we left Chris to relax with Gau and Margaret and I went into the sound room.
The first 20 minutes were spent endlessly rereading the same page as the teacher debugged a problem with the microphone but once that was sorted we hammered through the dialogue parts, some small tests, some English sayings etc. 
I enjoyed reading:
In a dark dark house there is a dark dark room in a dark dark room there is a dark dark... etc etc, an old poem i remember from when I was young, also the tounge twisters were pretty fun to read!

Nearing the end we got to a few songs that she asked me to read, but they sounded strange without the tune, as I tried to teach her the tune for her parts she gave in and just asked me to sing the sections, which of course I did! You are my sunshine, my only sunshine etc etc, as well as twinkle twinkle little star, so funny, margaret and I were in fits of laughter, especially when the teacher suggested we do a duet!!!

We managed to get through all the material but it took a good 2 hours to finish, and the other teacher was very tired by the end as Chris and I had only done one section each.

Having completed the book we asked for a copy, which they assured us they would provide along with the CD, and then dropped us back at the school.

A crazy but very funny evening all round! I do love china, it never is boring!

Plum rains

Also the last 3 days have been rainy, just constant showers, I love the rain but it hasn't helped Chris 's mood at all!

Money spinner!

Chris had a nasty night of being sick and a couple of groggy sleep deprived days but is nearly back to his usual slightly grumpy self!
Taught the young children last night and they were bahaving badly as usual, in the end I kicked one out of the class for 5 minutes while Chris spoke to him, after that it was much better.

A teacher from another school has found us a possible small job for this evening, will give it a go and see what happens, will let you know if it works out, but does mean we loose another evening! Turning into Chinese workaholics like everyone else out here!!

Monday, 2 May 2011

The Plague, The Plague is upon us....

At breakfast yesterday Chris mentioned a funny taste to his food, by lunchtime he felt a bit unwell, and by dinnertime he was being very sick every half hour, pretty horrible!
I'm hoping I don't get it too but left Chris on the sofa with a bucket and a lot of TV queued up to play and in the morning he had made it back to bed, so possibly a good sign.
Hope he gets better soon, and hope I don't catch it too, or at least I don't catch it until after the bank holiday!